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The Resilience of Children

September 14th, 2023 by Chris Marblo

Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child has an informative overview of resilience in children. Among the important conclusions researchers have drawn is that the quality of relationships children have with adults is key to their own resilience. Children who have loving and supportive parents and strong relationships with other invested adults – such as teachers – are able to manage the inevitable challenges that life provides all people. These caring adults can also teach children the critical skills necessary to manage life’s challenges and develop the capacity to thrive. 

In my own observations and conversations with teachers and parents, I can say with confidence that our students have managed the transition back to school and the loss of our lower school building with the very attributes we hope to see in children: adaptability, resilience, positivity, and camaraderie. This has been wonderful to witness and is a testament to excellent parenting and the fact that Prep truly values the well-being of students. 

Adversity visits all of us, at many points throughout life. Children need to learn how to manage and move through challenges and come out the other end more capable and resilient people. Getting this practice while still young is largely positive, as long as we, the adults in their lives, help children see that adversity is normal and can be managed. In fact, it can be the springboard to greater character and personal resilience, and these are attributes well worth developing. 

Posted in the category Head of School's Notes.